Plan to visit with your friends in Scranton on Wednesday afternoon, Dec. 1. Many of the businesses are hosting open houses and serving refreshments. The event is coordinated by Scranton Betterment Committee.
Hosting open houses from 1to 3 pm are Heritage Insurance and Real Estate / Scranton Life and Health, Peoples Bank and Scranton Telephone. Register for a drawing at the Bank hosted by B & D Manufacturing.
Marchant Memorial Library and Scranton City Hall will be open 1 to 5 pm.
Sweet Treats will operate out of the United Methodist Church education building from 4 to 6 pm.
Santa and Mrs Claus will greet their friends, young and old, from 6 to 7:30 pm in the education building of the United Methodist Church. This visit is sponsored by UMC, McLaughlin Family Companies and Scranton Betterment. ~courtesy of The Scranton Journal